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how reflection can jump start 2024

How Reflection Can Jump Start 2024

how reflection can jump start 2024In the fast-paced world of leadership, where decisions are made on the fly, and challenges emerge unexpectedly, taking a moment to reflect can be a key to unlocking the next level of extraordinary. There are specific seasons where the timing naturally invites reflection, for example, the end of a calendar year. The practice of reflection matters and provides opportunity to gain self-awareness. Practicing the power of pause through reflection, journaling, or assessing the alignment of your life with core values can provide fresh insights that can lead to powerful change.

Leadership is not a static concept; it’s an ever-evolving process that requires continuous learning and adaptation. Reflection can act as a compass, guiding leaders through the complex terrain of their experiences. It’s not only about looking back; it’s about gleaning wisdom from every twist and turn that happened along the way.

Think of reflection as a space where you can analyze your decisions, evaluate your strategies, and learn from both successes and setbacks. Whether you’re a seasoned executive or an aspiring leader, taking the time to reflect fosters self-awareness, a cornerstone of effective leadership. However, creating this space may take an extra dose of self-discipline and intentionality.

Journaling can be considered a partner of reflection. Journaling can include capturing thoughts, ideas, and emotions in a tangible form. Putting a pen to paper inherently causes us to slow down. Taking the time to write out our ideas and thoughts can be so therapeutic. The University of Rochester describes the impact of journaling in this article.

“Journaling helps control your symptoms and improve your mood by: Helping you prioritize problems, fears, and concerns. Tracking any symptoms day-to-day so that you can recognize triggers and learn ways to better control them.”

Journaling is nearly a lost art; let’s find it again and avoid overlooking this practical and simple tool.

Journaling can include chronicling your experiences, acknowledging your feelings, and recognizing patterns. Where do you start? What exactly do you process? For some, it comes very naturally and there is a very pointed train of thought. For others, the idea of journaling can seem directionless. I wanted to offer some journaling prompts as a potential launching pad.

#1: Recall a pivotal moment in your leadership journey this year. What decision did you make? What were the outcomes? If you had a time-traveling mentor, what advice would they give you at that juncture?

#2: Describe the leader you aspire to be in three words. Now, reflect on your recent actions. Do they align with this vision? If not, what course corrections can you make?

#3: Reflection Prompt: Think about a recent challenge your team faced. How did you approach it? What innovative solutions emerged? If you could rewind time, what alternative strategies might you explore?

#4: List three things you’re grateful for in your leadership role. How do these sources of gratitude influence your decision-making and team dynamics? How could you share this positivity with your team?

#5: Reflect on the most impactful feedback you’ve received recently. How did you react? What changes, if any, did you implement? How are you leveraging this feedback to its full potential?

#6: Envision your leadership legacy. What do you want people to say about your impact? How are your actions today contributing to the narrative you wish to leave behind?

Be aware of the potential interruptions that might compete for your focus and interrupt the importance of reflection. What environment can foster the quiet and margin you need to have uninterrupted time of reflection? As you embark on this introspective practice, remember that leadership excellence unfolds with every thoughtful step you take.

How will these insights gained through reflection shape your personal or professional goals for 2024?


Learn more about Melissa and Royal Coaching Colorado here.