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belonging could be your superpower

Belonging Could Be Your Superpower

When excellence and efficiency are consistent goals, creating a sense of belonging may not be the first thing that comes to mind. Leaders often make tough decisions, set ambitious goals, and are responsible for calling their teams to the next level of extraordinary. However, there’s a vital and often underestimated aspect of leadership: creating an environment of belonging.

belonging could be your superpowerBelonging is a strategic imperative. An inclusive work environment fosters diversity, equity, and innovation. When employees feel like they belong, they are more likely to be engaged, motivated, and committed to their work. It’s like the secret sauce that transforms a group of individuals into a high-performing team. When individuals have a sense of belonging, they are brave enough to fail. Brave enough to experiment with new systems that could lead the organization to the next level of extraordinary.

In an environment of belonging, employees are comfortable sharing their ideas, concerns, and feedback. When they feel safe and valued, they’re more likely to voice their opinions and contribute to discussions. This open communication leads to the next generation of innovative solutions, which is vital for an organization that seeks to maintain relevance as they fulfill their mission. Forbes published this article that dives into the crucial call of leaders to establish rock-solid belonging for their teams.

When team members feel like they belong, work is more than a paycheck. It fulfills a part of their community. They are emotionally invested in the organization’s success. This level of engagement results in increased productivity, higher quality of work, and a more positive work atmosphere. Brene Brown has done some phenomenal research on belonging, and I encourage you to read her thoughts.

In the competitive world of business, attracting and retaining exceptional talent is a constant challenge. Top performers are more likely to stay with an organization where they feel they belong. This means that leaders who prioritize belonging are better positioned to assemble and maintain high-performing teams. Retention is fueled through a deep-rooted sense of belonging.

Moreover, diverse and inclusive workplaces are attractive to a broader range of candidates. If you’re seeking to tap into a diverse pool of talent, embracing belonging as a core value is essential. It signals to potential employees that your organization values differences and is a place where they can thrive. However, it needs to be more than a word painted on the wall or printed in a catalog; it needs to be exemplified through leadership.

Innovation is the lifeblood of excellence. Without new ideas and fresh perspectives, an organization is bound to stagnate. A culture of belonging encourages employees to bring their unique backgrounds and viewpoints to the table. This diversity of thought sparks creativity and fosters innovation.

When people from different backgrounds come together and share their experiences, they can identify fresh solutions to complex problems. This kind of creative problem-solving is a hallmark of organizations that lead with excellence and consistently step into the next level of extraordinary.

Belonging also has a profound impact on employee well-being. When people feel included and supported, they experience less stress, greater job satisfaction, and improved mental health. Leaders who prioritize belonging show that they care about their employees not just as workers but as individuals. This, in turn, creates a more positive work environment where individuals are more likely to thrive, both personally and professionally.

It’s not simply about what an employee produces, but it’s about who they are.

Cultivating a sense of belonging requires a deep commitment from leaders, a willingness to address bias and discrimination, and a dedication to ongoing education. Sincere humility and authenticity are crucial for leaders to create a sense of real belonging. Leaders need to set the tone by embracing diversity, fostering open communication, and addressing any issues of exclusion head-on. They must lead by example, consistently demonstrating the behaviors and attitudes they want to see in their teams.

In the pursuit of excellence, leaders should recognize that fostering a culture of belonging is not just a feel-good initiative. It’s a strategic imperative with tangible benefits. From enhanced productivity and the attraction of top talent to the cultivation of creativity and improved employee well-being, the advantages are clear.

Leading with excellence means leading with inclusivity. It’s a journey that may have its challenges, but creating a workplace where everyone feels like they truly belong is a place where excellence can truly flourish.


Learn more about Melissa and Royal Coaching Colorado here.