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dear leaders, are you unleashing your creative genius?

Dear Leaders, Are You Unleashing Your Creative Genius?

dear leaders, are you unleashing your creative genius?In leadership decisiveness, strategy, and vision often take the spotlight, and it’s easy to overlook one trait that can be a game-changer: creativity. Creativity is a powerful asset that sometimes gets squashed in the midst of hurried deadlines and formulaic mindsets. I recently read a book titled, Wired to Create, and it caused a whole storm of thoughts about creativity and the impact of leadership.

There was a time when leaders were expected to be infallible decision-makers who held all the answers. Leadership strength was often defined by predictability, conservative decisions, and rule following. 

However, today leaders face unprecedented challenges that demand innovative solutions. Creativity helps leaders connect with various groups, fuels problem-solving, and invites others into the excitement of innovation.

Can a leader lack creativity AND still be effective? Yes, of course. The key is to be intentional about fostering an environment where others feel brave enough to fail and creative team members are inspired. Leaders who rely solely on traditional methods and rigid structures tend to suffocate the creative energy in a team.

Creativity often leads to coloring outside of the lines, so non-creative leaders need to be especially aware not to trample on someone else’s creative superpowers. Mark Williams, the CEO of Brokers Internat’l wrote this article on practical ways that leaders can boost the creative juices in others.

Creativity, in the context of leadership, is about breaking the mold. It’s about thinking beyond the conventional boundaries and daring to explore uncharted territory. When leaders embrace creativity, they actively seek ways to improve and innovate. Creative leaders typically invite others along this journey and encourage outside-of-the-box thinking. Forbes Magazine describes the positive ripple effect of leaders who invite creativity here.

One of the most tangible benefits of creativity in leadership is its transformative effect on problem-solving. Instead of viewing obstacles as roadblocks, they represent opportunities for innovation. Creative leaders generally approach challenges with a mindset of readiness and heightened energy. CEO Magazine shared this article about how creativity can be a game-changer when it comes to overcoming challenges.

When leaders lack creativity or stifle it in others, there is a growing dread around obstacles, especially unexpected ones.

On the other hand, leaders who value creativity tend to consider multiple perspectives with appreciation and openness. This ability to see things from different angles often leads to breakthrough solutions that would otherwise be untapped. Frequently, leaders who value creativity can naturally foster a culture of collaboration. When leaders appreciate the talents and ideas of their creative team members, they empower their members to contribute their best.

Creativity redefines problem-solving, inspires teams, and can support leaders as they navigate uncertainty. Leaders striving to lead with excellence, should be cautious not to underestimate the power of creativity. Embrace the inner creative genius and watch as your leadership journey takes on a whole new dimension.

If creativity is not one of your superpowers, and you would strongly prefer alphabetized, organized spreadsheets that have unchanging formulas, please be intentional about creating space where others feel brave enough to fail.

Learn more about Melissa and Royal Coaching Colorado here.
