Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Maxbizz is a values-driven consulting agency dedicated.




411 University St, Seattle

Since the beginning of time, the most strategic and victorious warriors have been those who choose to fight battles that are rooted in values. This is not to say that the “good guys” always win, however, those who are willing to sacrifice for the cause of the battle rather than simply avoid punishment or gain payment, fight with greater ferocity. They are fighting for something greater than themselves. It is no longer about a single conflict or a single commander. It is something bigger.

As leaders part of our role is to invite others toward the bigger win. It’s not about meeting a deadline, acquiring 2 more companies by the end of Q3, or winning the national performance contest. It’s better. It’s richer. It’s grander. It’s about values. 

Values define the core of who we are. Both personally and professionally, our values are going to define the way we show up, determine our priorities, and shape the way we do what we do. If a core value is respect, it will overflow in the way we communicate with one another both from the stage AND behind closed doors. It will overflow consistently. The minute we claim to hold onto specific values and then contradict those values with our actions, trust begins to crumble. No leader can afford to lose trust. As leaders, we must be willing to do the work to uphold our values. Trust and values are interconnected.

As leaders, we need to identify and name the core values of the organization. As a ripple effect, there are a few guarantees that should be expected:  

1. Values will be clearly communicated and known, both internally and externally. 
2. These values will consistently shape the overarching goals and direction of the team.
3. Time will be spent investing in these values. Whether it’s through professional development, coaching, or further training, it should be apparent that these core values are worth the investment of time and money.
4. Values will be used as one way to measure progress, drive excellence, and define success.
5. Values will be used as a tool to unify and bring common ground. 

When conflict arises on the team, we need to immediately go back to core values. How can the common values be used to work through this conflict? When tough decisions need to be made, we must consider how our values can be reflected in the process of decision-making. How do we consistently hold onto values and align our actions when lay-offs are required? When there is turmoil, our values can act as a lighthouse in the storm. Our values shine light through the darkness to remind us of our identity, to remind us of what matters in the long haul, and to keep us from getting off course. 

Values matter.