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It can be completely daunting and overwhelming to consider a new leadership position. Not always because it’s something unfamiliar or new; sometimes this fear is about our identity. We are afraid to be the smart one. We are afraid that others will think we got this position because of politics rather than our own expertise and capabilities. Perhaps these thoughts are going through your head right now. If that’s not the case, I have a hunch at some point in your leadership journey, you will have a similar inner dialogue.

There are some bulls that you just need to grab by the horns and pull them in the stall for a hot minute. This feeling of inadequacy can be one of them. When you have a moment of panic or self-doubt, grab that bull and yank it in the stall. Or call a mentor to help you wrangle it! Straighten out your chaps and step into the ring.

There are a few things that could be helpful to remember along the way. You’re going to practice everything you’ve learned along the way to the best of your ability. Every day will be better in one way or another. You’re going to enter the ring knowing YOU are growing too. You might screw up, but you can meet back at the stalls later with others to cheer one another on and debrief. In the end, you’re going to know how to tame some wild bulls, and you’ll live to tell the tale. You might cry along the way and hopefully laugh as well.

I challenge you to think about two conversations this week. The first conversation is what you’re going to say to that bull. How will you remind yourself of your self-worth, passion, and purpose? What core truths will be your stabilizing factors? Who will you call to wrangle the bull? Leadership can be an isolating position, but it doesn’t have to be. The second conversation is how you will articulate the greater vision to those you are leading. How are you reminding them of the bigger mission? How are you communicating the direction of the team you are leading?

Throw the bulls in the stall, straighten out your chaps, and step into the ring. No matter what, you’re going to learn a lot, and you’re going to change people’s lives. Hold onto your values as you launch into your role as a leader and continue to call others up to the challenge.